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Date: 2018.3.27        Author: WebDo

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Using a DIY Website Builder to Grow Your Business Through Blogging

How important is blogging for your business?

If you’re not blogging today, then you’re missing out on a vast potential online audience. That audience can assist in your lead generation, and will ultimately benefit your bottom line. Companies ranging from Microsoft to IBM, Nike, and even Walmart all use blogging to share news and to convert leads. With the help of a DIY website builder, you can also use your online presence to grow your audience and improve your bottom line.

What Are the Benefits of Blogging for Business?

Increased traffic is one of the most significant benefits of blogging for your business. When you blog using a DIY website builder, you can create optimized pages that will bring traffic to your website. As a form of brand and product marketing, blogging is an essential tool. By sharing information with your target audience, you will not only promote your business; you will also establish yourself as a knowledgeable industry leader.

Every blog page that you create will reside on your website, so this also creates opportunities for search engine optimization. By using targeted keywords and key phrases, you can use your blog to increase the traffic you get from search engines. Blogging gives you a significant advantage over sites that solely rely on their primary pages (home page, about page, contact page, etc.) for SEO purposes.

Blogging is not all about gaining advantages in online presence and search ranking. When you use a DIY website builder for blogging, you will create a critical communication channel to your customers. Your blog could be used to improve customer relations by providing information that helps people to get more from your products or services. 

As an example, your company may have recently released an innovative mobile phone app that helps people to schedule their medication. You can create additional value by creating a blog post that details how the application should be used, including specific tips and troubleshooting steps.

Of course, that’s just one example, and you could take a similar approach to any product or service. The point is that blogging gives you ways to effectively communicate with your audience, often in a proactive way that will benefit your core business.

Why Blogging is Easy with a DIY Website Builder

Maintaining a blog in the traditional way would require knowledge of web coding and maintenance. Today, you can rely on mobile business website builders like WebDo to help you achieve your goals.
WebDo is a platform that focuses on simple yet powerful website design. Targeted at both beginners and power users, WebDo assumes no prior technical knowledge. If you have just a little experience working with basic office programs and web apps, then you’ll be able to quickly learn the WebDo software.

The best business website builder offers tools not only to create your page using a visual interface, but there’s also an additional blogging tool which will help you to develop and publish all of your web content. Best of all, you can create the essential meta information and insert targeted keywords to ensure that you’re reaching your audience.

Creating a website and a blog was once limited to those that had specialized technical knowledge. Today, WebDo makes it accessible for any business owner, meaning that you can now gain all of the benefits that blogging and a professional website can provide.

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