Operational Program Competitiveness 2014-2020
Priority Axis:
AP2 – Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy
PI 2b Support the growth of the added value generated by the ICT sector and innovation in the field through cluster development
PI 2b Support the growth of the added value generated by the ICT sector and innovation in the field through cluster development
Creating a Cloud Platform for Software Applications
Bucharest/ Bucharest, Uranus Street, no. 98, block U, sc.2, 4th floor, apartment 35, sector 5
Ministry of European Funds (as Managing Authority) and Ministry of Communications and Information Society (as Intermediate department)
The development within Q-BIS CONSULT SRL of an innvative application in CLOUD data storage, with software applications (PPCAS- Cloud Platform for Software Applications), in order to increase the competitiveness of the company on the IT market but also to increase the added value at the ARIES BUCHAREST cluste, of which the company is part.
Development of and application within the project until the end of the implementation period;
Increasing the competitiveness on the IT market, by developing an innovative application during the implementation period;
Increasing the number of tangible assets acquired within the project by & units until the end of the implementation period;
Creating opportunities for the local community by offering 3 jobs until the end of the project implementation period
4.103.713,36 lei, of which the total eligible value 3.894.344 lei and non-refundable financial assistance is 2.586.343,00 lei
28 months (02.08.2017-02.12.2019)
Informing and advertising activity
2.1 Publication of an announcement in a local newspaper about the start of the project
2.2 Ordering sticker labels for the equipment purchased through the project
2.3 Making of the Information Panel
2.4 Publication of an announcement in a local newspaper regarding the project results
Procurement procedures
3.1 Note regarding the determination of the value for choosing the procurement procedure
3.2 Posting the notice of intention and technical specifications regarding the services to be purchased
3.3 Receiving the price offers
3.4 Award of the winning bid
3.5 Singing of sales contracts
3.6 Publication of the contract award announcements(s)
Delivery and reception of equipment
4.1 Delivery and reception of laptops
4.2 Delivery and reception of tablets
4.3 Delivery and reception of printer
Development activity
6.1 Define the initial structure of the system
6.1 Define the initial structure of the system
6.3 Purchase of application design development services
6.3 Purchase of application design development services
6.5 Implementation of modules in the final interface
Testing Activities
Activity to promote the results on a large scale
Contracting a financial audit firm and carrying out the financial and technical audit activity
Writing and submitting progress reports and the final report of the project
Elaboration and submission of reimbursement request(s)
An application developed until the completion of the project implementation;
An innovative application developed until the completion of the project implementation;
7 tangible assets acquired until the project implementation is completed;
Creation of 3 jobs until the completion of the project implementation
Developing an innovative ICT application by the end of the project implementation period
Number of beneficiaries of te innovative application: 20 clients realized through the project within 3 years after the completion of the project;
Return of investment regarding the development of the application: 5.1% within 3 years after the completion of the project;
Investment performance regarding application development: 0.537% within 3 years after the completion of the project;
The municipality of Bucharest , Calea 13 Septembrie Street nr. 75-79, Block 73-75, sc.1, floor 6, apartment 41; tel./fax: +40 741 035 986
Adrian Patrascu – Administrator
Rosu Constantin – PROJECT MANAGER
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